Terms of use
Welcome to the RHODESIGN website (site name: rhodesign.gr, hereafter Rhodesign.gr). These General Terms of Use govern the access to the site and its use. Accesses to this website and its use as well as the purchase of products are based on the assumption that these General Terms of Use have been read, understood and accepted by you. This site is managed and maintained by RHODESIGN with corporate headquarters in Greece, at 31, Ammochostou Street, P.C. 85131 Rhodes Greece. Ask further information at our costumer service. RHODESIGN may amend or simply update these General Terms and Conditions in whole or in part. Any modification or update of the General Terms of Use will be posted to our users on the Homepage of Rhodesign.gr as soon as it takes place and will be binding as soon as it is published in this unity of the website. For this reason, you must regularly visit this section to review the publication of the most recent and updated General Terms of Use .If you do not agree with the General Terms of Use in whole or in part, please do not use our website. We remind you that you are responsible for its use. The company is not held responsible if the website is used by its users in a way that is inconsistent to applicable laws and regulations, without prejudice to its liability for intentional and gross negligence offenses. In particular, you are responsible for disclosing information or data that is incorrect, false or concerns third parties (if such third parties do not have given their consent), as well as any unlawful use of such data or information. The content of this website is not and can not in any way be interpreted as direct or indirect advice to users to take any action.
Rhodesign.gr is opposed to gathering data from minors.
The contents of Rhodesign.gr which include, but are not limited to, works, depictions, images, dialogues, music, sounds, videos, documents, sketches, Logos and any other material posted to it in any form such as menus, web pages, graphics, colours, drawings, tools, fonts, design Web pages, charts, provisions, methods, procedures, functions and software that are part of it, are protected under the right of reproduction (Copyright) and any other intellectual property rights of the same or third parties as defined in the respective licenses. Reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form, of Rhodesign.gr and its content is not allowed without the written consent of the company. Rhodesign has the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit any reproduction (direct and indirect, temporary or permanent or by any other means or in any form, in whole or in part) of Rhodesign.gr and their content. According to the use of the website, it is only allowed the showing of its content. It is also permitted to perform all other temporary replication actions that are temporary or intermittent and which do not have economic importance. In addition, you may navigate to the website in compliance with the provisions of the laws and regulations. You may not reproduce, in any medium or in any form, in whole or in part, Rhodesign.gr and its contents. For any playback from Rhodesign.gr, authorization is necessary, from Rhodesign or the authors of the work published on the website. Those Reproductions will be performed for legitimate purposes and in compliance with copyright and other intellectual property rights Rhodesign and / or third parties. In any case, you may not use, in any way or form, the content of the website or any individual protected work by copyright or any other intellectual property right. For example, you should not change or alter its content or any work is protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right without its consent from Rhodesign.
Rhodesign is the exclusive owner of the rhodesign® and Rhodesign.gr logos and trademarks. Rhodesign is entitled to the exclusive use of its trademarks. It is not permitted, without the consent of Rhodesign, to use these trademarks. Any illegal or unauthorized use of these trademarks is prohibited and has serious legal consequences.
Rhodesign has taken steps to ensure that the content of rhodesign.gr is accurate and does not contain any incorrect or non up-to-date information. However, it can not be held responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the content posted on its website, except in relation to its responsibility for iintentional offenses and serious negligence and as otherwise provided by law. In addition, it can not guarantee that the site will operate seamlessly, without interruptions and bugs due to the Internet connection. In case of any problem during the website usage, please contact us at the following email address info@rhodesign.gr. A representative of Rhodesign will be at your services, to regain access to the website. At the same time, please contact your Internet service provider or check whether each device is properly enabled, including the browser. Although the company makes the best efforts to ensure smooth access to its website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and content Web site may not allow Rhodesign.gr to operate without pause, interruptions, or discontinuity due to updating.
These General Terms and Conditions are governed by Greek law.
Rhodesign uses the courier company “ELTA” to ship products at the address you have stated in your order, between 5 to 15 working days (at most), excluding holidays and weekends, and not counting strike days or whenever the weather phenomena do not allow the smooth passage of products and persons. The charge, including cash on delivery, costs € 20.00 to the Balkan territory & Cyprus, € 25.00 to EU countries and € 30.00 to non-EU countries for orders up to 1 kg. For each extra weight the charge is increased by € 2 per kilo. Charges include VAT. For deliveries to Greece there is no shipping cost. The General Conditions of Carriage apply to the carriage of goods Postal. The terms of the ELTA are published on our website. The user accepts its terms by placing his order. All charges include VAT 24%. Please also carefully read these terms.